I know I haven't posted all weekend and this is why :) I was busy playing Nanna all weekend with both of my beauties. I spent the whole weekend with my kids and my grandbabies.
My Sarah Bird is almost 10 months old and Leah Marie is 3 weeks old :) I am a proud Nanna!
Just too cute. She is going to be a heart breaker.
Girl, what a beauty........get ready to just shoot the first little dude who shows up at the door and let the word get out :)
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Yeah I think they both are...but I will have to hurt somebody!!
I meant both of them would be heart breakers. Sometimes all this blogging boggles the mind.
Oh they are darling!!! Being Nanna is good, much more important than blogging. Although don't take too much time off, ha!
Will check back thursday or friday.
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