Just some pieces and moments in my life to share with you.
Watery Wed #27
I took my kiddos to the Jacksonville Zoo this past weekend. Spring is here! There were kids everywhere in bathing suits and playing in water wherever they could find with the temps in the upper 80's. It was a beautiful day!!
If you would like to participate in Watery Wednesday's here is the link....
Living in the Jacksonville, FL area and loving it. This is just another adventure in life.
Photography is my hobby/passion and I can't get enough.
Always stop to see the small things :)
Capturing One Moment At A Time!
Looks like great fun! My boys would enjoy that.
Oh my how cool is that. I think I would have done that if I were their age too :D
looks way cool with the water creating the mushroom
Oh, nice effect created by capturing through the thin stream of water.
I love this shot! The screen of water in front of the kids is great and then the kids just being kids sitting there like that. Great shot!
Ah, spring sure looks different in Florida than in Canada, ;-)
this is such a cool, candid shot! i love the effect the water has with the kids behind it..
this is a really great shot! love the curtain of water.
Luv this shot mate, very clever, outstanding.......
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