3/22/09 Photos of The Day

Here are a few more photos from the Cowford Steampunk Society photoshoot.

Remember I am no professional at model shooting. This was my first attempt besides my own family. Just wanted to share the fun!


sandy said...

These are all good and I imagine you must have a fun life getting around photographing all the different things you do.

aurbie said...

Love it!

I always thought about going into studio photography, but I guess the hard photojournalism blood in my veins was just too thick.

I must enjoy being wet or cold or hot all the time, not to mention having to shoot in blizzards and hurricanes, or being chased by the border patrols in Third World countries. You just gotta be crazy to do that.

Outstanding examples of your work!
More, please!

Anonymous said...

I think you did great, they are really interesting photos, just adore them.

J. Parker said...

One of the Steampunkers here! Great photos! Thanks for posting them!

J. Parker said...

One of the Steampunkers here! Great photos! Thanks for posting them!