3/13/09 Photos of The Day

This little guy is such a pretty bird! He was following me around in the bird aviary at the zoo and I just loved his colors and his intense stare. Not sure what type of bird he is but I will find out next time I go.


Barry said...

What an interesting bird--and what great photos!

Vanessa Bates said...

Thank you Barry!! Next time I go to the zoo I am going to try to find out what type of bird it is.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a handsome bird!

sandy said...

hahahah, love the last photo of him...Great series..

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

What a fantastic blog you have going here nessbates!! I just love it and hope that you don't mind if I follow? You take amazing snapshots and that's one of the prettiest up close pictures of a bird that I've ever had the pleasure of seeing :)
Please join us in our project called "The Friday Shoot-Out"!! We have a little growing group that agrees on a subject and then posts the picture's on every Friday. Please join our ever growing group. You would be an awesome addition. Please at least think abut it okay?
If you have a moment or two of your life that you'd care to waste, please visit me at my blog and say hello.
Take good care and.......

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Rob said...

handsome bird, the last pic looks like he's studying you.

Anonymous said...

I love that blue around the yellow eye. She looks so very curious too.

Unknown said...

very pretty bird and he sure is watching you.......

he must be people watching....