Watery Wednesday #29

Ok so here are my Watery Wed shots I threw together. We have a watery rock, relaxing waterfall, and lots of koi :)
If you would like to participate in Watery Wed here is the link...

3/31/09 Photos of The Day

Just a few macros I took over the weekend. I love catching the tiny details on plants and flowers.

3/30/09 Photos of The Day

I think today's theme is plant/flowers lol. I just loved the texture on the leaf. I had to try and get a macro of it.
These lilly pads and water lillies were just so pretty!!

3/29/09 Photos of The Day

I know I haven't posted all weekend and this is why :) I was busy playing Nanna all weekend with both of my beauties. I spent the whole weekend with my kids and my grandbabies.
My Sarah Bird is almost 10 months old and Leah Marie is 3 weeks old :) I am a proud Nanna!
Posting will be back to normal tomorrow!

3/26/09 Photos of The Day

These are a few more shots from my Cowford Steampunk Society photoshoot from last weekend. Some of these I'm going to age and fix them up. Just sharing as I get to work on a few.

3/25/09 Photos of The Day

This is a bone yard of driftwood on a beach we found on Big Talbot Island, FL.
We had a blast adventuring around that weekend. I have lots of photos of the kiddos climbing all over the driftwood. We plan on going again soon.

Watery Wednesday #28

This is my Watery Wednesday entry for this week. I took this photo a few weekends ago when we were visiting Fernandina Beach, FL. There was a lady feeding the birds so I had a great photo opportunity :) I love catching birds with their wings spread out!

If you would like to play along on Watery Wednesday click here....


3/24/09 Photo of The Day

S-T-R-E-T-C-HHHH!!! This little turtle had all 4 claws stretched out in the sun. He was enjoying the great weather :)

3/23/09 Photos of The Day

These are some East African Bongos at the Jacksonville, FL Zoo. I think these guys have beautiful markings.

I know I'm late posting but I have been sick for a couple of days with a mean tummy bug that has had me down for the count. I am slowly recovering.

3/22/09 Photos of The Day

Here are a few more photos from the Cowford Steampunk Society photoshoot.

Remember I am no professional at model shooting. This was my first attempt besides my own family. Just wanted to share the fun!

3/21/09 Photo of The Day

I did my first photo shoot of people today. We met with the local photography group at the Historical Karpeles Manuscript Library in downtown Jacksonville, FL. The Cowford Steampunk Society also met us there and we were able to photograph them.
This was a wonderful experience for me and I am so excited to share some of my work with you guys!!