7/31/09 Photos of The Day

Just a few more photos of Mara I worked on today.

7/30/09 Photos of The Day

This is my step daughter Mara and she loves being a model for me. I was making her come up with most of the poses on her own. She did such a good job. I'm still attempting to learn to use the lighting. There is sooo much to doing studio photography. I never knew it was so complicated...lol

7/29/09 Photos of The Day

These are a few shots of the studio my husband has put together. We have furniture and props also. He did an awesome job. Just had to brag about his hard work :)

7/28/09 Photos of The Day

These pretty ladies were at the park attempting to take group photos with cell phones. I asked them if we could take their photos and email them to them. They thought it was a gimick at first but I assured them it was only so we could get practice. I am about to email them over but figured I would share.

7/25/09 Photos of The Day

Just a few photos we took down at Memorial Park in the Riverside/Avondale area of Jacksonville, FL. We had sooo much fun just hanging out and messing with the camera settings. It was a beautiful day!

7/15/09 Photos of The Day

The first 3 photos are of my daughter Ashley with her husband Steven and of course my Sarah Bird :) The last 2 photos are of my son Anthony who is forever attempting to be the biggest ham...lol They tagged along with me when I went to do a photo shoot and I took some photos of them also. This was on Ft George Island and also the boneyard on Big Talbot Island. Great places for photography!!

7/14/09 Photos of The Day

Some more photos that were taken on Ft George Island. A photo shoot I did for my friend Brittany w/ her kiddos.

7/13/09 Photos of The Day

Just a bunch lilly pads today :) I just love em!