4/29/09 Photos of The Day

Gotta love that long tounge!! lol

I love how their coat looks!!

4/27/09 Photos of The Day

I am back in action! I finally have the internet hooked up! The move was hectic and I am so glad to have it over with!
Here are a few random photos from my trip downtown a couple of weekends ago.

4/15/09 Photo of the Day

Just another photo of Downtown Jacksonville, FL from this past weekend. I loved the reflections of the buildings in the river.

I am moving this weekend and we couldn't get and internet hook up appiontment for 2 weeks so I may not be on for a couple of weeks. I will be back as soon as I am up and running!!

4/14/09 Photo of The Day

Just a panoramic of downtown Jacksonville, FL I took this weekend.

4/11/09 Photo of The Day

I took the kids to Cummer Art Museum & Gardens today. We had an awesome time! Such a beautiful place! If you want more info here is the link...

I took lots of photos today :)

I know I haven't been around in a few days...just have been really busy with life lately. Hope you all are doing well.

4/7/09 Photos of The Day

These are a few of the photos I took of my daughter Autumn and grandbaby Leah a few weeks ago. I told her it was my present to her. I just love catching the love of a mother for her child. Nothing better than seeing your own child look at her child with the same kind of love and affection you feel for them. I think my daughters finally realize how much I love them :) They can see through my eyes now.

4/6/09 Photos of The Day

This is Flagler College. We took a tour of this place. The building is very historical. Such a beautiful place! If you want to read up on some of the history here is a link....
Thomas Edison installed electricity is this building that was originally the Hotel Ponce De Leon. The lighting sucked in there for a photographer but you get the idea :)

4/5/09 Photos of The Day

I had an awesome weekend! Here is a group shot we took before we all headed back home today. My husband and I are on the bottom right. I have lots to share with you guys!!! Hope you all are having a great weekend too!!

4/2/09 Photos of The Day

I won't be around all weekend. We are leaving tomorrow to spend a weekend with my photog friends from all over the US. We all have a wonderful weekend planned in St Augustine, FL. I cannot wait!! I'm sure I will come back with lots of photos to share :)

4/1/09 Photos of The Day

These are a few art pieces by an artist named Walden. These are hanging on the walls of the Karpeles Manuscript Library in downtown Jacksonville, FL. I was so intruiged with these because they are created mostly with items you would find in a kitchen. Double click and open them up bigger to take a look. He did some great work with these!